Volvo Cars Servers Hacked – Research and Development (R&D) Information Stolen

Volvo Hacked - iboosthub

Being one of the major players in the automobile industry, Volvo the Swedish carmaker has acknowledged that there has been a compromise on their servers after hackers broke into it. So far what has been declared stolen during the breach data in respect to Research and Development (R&D) information.

After implementing all security measures after the breach was detected, Volvo has so far acted swiftly and proactively to restrict access to their database for any employee that has access to it. Authorities.

Volvo in relaying the information to the media and general public had this to say, “Investigations so far confirm that a limited amount of the company’s R&D property has been stolen during the intrusion. Volvo Cars have earlier today concluded, based on information available, that there may be an impact on the company’s operation.” Read Confirmation

On the issue of security and access restrictions to the database they added this, “After detecting the unauthorized access, the company immediately implemented security countermeasures including steps to prevent further access to its property and notified relevant authorities.”

Has anyone Claimed to be Responsible?

Although there has not been any news of Volvo cars already out of the premises of the automobile dealer being hacked, Snatch ransomware has claimed to have been responsible for this attack. It should be noted that Snatch ransomware is one of the well-known ransomware groups. One of their attacks was the rebooting of PCs into safe mode for easy bypass in 2019.

This is not the first of attacks by Snatch ransomware on Volvo, as on November 30 this year, they carried an attack they were able to breach the servers of the automobile dealer, stole essential data after which they sent out screenshots as evidence.

At the time of going to press, the security experts of Volvo have stated that they are working with third-party security experts to ascertain why this attack was made and the loopholes and/backdoor the attackers used.

Volvo has also assured customers that the cars purchased are safe despite this latest security breach, and also their private data won’t be affected.

As the era of autonomous cars come in quickly, the global automobile industry should brave themselves as hackers would find this as a quick way to access their systems and tamper with their data or personal information of customers, the only way to curb this is to build systems and put in place security mechanisms that are robust and frequently updated.

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