Kali Linux 2021.4 Released With Hacking Tools Updated

Offensive security has pushed out its last update of its security operating system Kali Linux 2021.4 and is ready for immediate download or updating.
Kali Linux 2021-4 - iboosthub

The new OS includes newly updated hacking tools and support for Macs M1, theme enhancement, extended compatibility for the samba-client, and more.

Kali Linux is the most advanced penetration testing platform ever made. It is available in 32-bit, 64-bit, and ARM flavors, as well as a number of specialized builds for many popular hardware platforms. Kali can always be updated to the newest version without the need for a new download.

To provide the best user experience for the cybersecurity community, Offensive security regularly releases Kali Linux OS version updates several times every year with new features. Kali Linux 2021.4 is the last version for this year.

The following is summary of the major update included in this Kali Linux 2021.4 version update:

  • Improved Apple M1 support
  • Wide compatibility for Samba
  • Switching package manager mirrors
  • Kaboxer theming
  • Updates to Xfce, GNOME and KDE
  • Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W + USBArmory MkII ARM images
  • More tools

New Hacking Tools is Kali Linux 2021.4

9 new tools have been added in the new version of Kali Linux 2021.4. Check out!

  • Dufflebag – Search exposed EBS volumes for secrets
  • Maryam – Open-source Intelligence (OSINT) Framework
  • Name-That-Hash – Do not know what type of hash it is? Name That Hash will name that hash type!
  • Proxmark3 – if you are into Proxmark3 and RFID hacking
  • Reverse Proxy Grapher – graphviz graph illustrating your reverse proxy flow
  • S3Scanner – Scan for open S3 buckets and dump the contents
  • Spraykatz – Credentials gathering tool automating remote procdump and parse of lsass process.
  • truffleHog – Searches through git repositories for high entropy strings and secrets, digging deep into commit history
  • Web of trust grapher (wotmate) – reimplement the defunct PGP pathfinder without needing anything other than your own keyring

Download Kali Linux 2021.4

New Download:

Existing Installs: If you already have an existing Kali Linux installation

(kali@kali):~$ echo "deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main non-free contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list

(kali@kali):~$ sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade

(kali@kali):~$ [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && sudo reboot -f

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