Understanding IP Addresses: A scenario of a fresh student in a university

Understanding IP Address
Understanding IP Address

You should expect to run into a lot of unfamiliar terminology and technology as a new student starting at a university. The concept of IP addresses is one of the most crucial concepts you must comprehend. IP addresses are a vital component of the internet and are used to identify network devices. Using the scenario of a student enrolling in university and getting a student ID, we will explain IP addresses and how they work in this blog post.

What is an IP Address?

Every device that uses the internet is given a unique identifier called an IP address. It is a series of numbers separated by dots, such as Similar to how your student ID uniquely identifies you at the university, your device’s IP address uniquely identifies it on the internet.

How Does an IP Address Work?

When enrolling in a university, a student ID number is assigned. This number is exclusive to you and allows the institution to track your attendance, grades, and other information. Similarly, when you connect a device to the internet, an IP address is allocated to it. This IP address is exclusive to your device and enables the internet to trace your online activities.

Your device makes a request to the server hosting a website or online service when you view it or use it. The server then sends a response to your device using the IP address of your device. This enables the server to recognize your device and deliver you the correct information.

Types of IP Addresses

IP addresses come in two primary varieties: IPv4 and IPv6. IPv4 addresses are the most prevalent kind of IP address, and they consist of four integers separated by periods. IPv6 addresses are a more recent kind of IP address, and they consist of eight integers separated by colons. eg. 2001:db8:3333:4444:5555:6666:7777:8888

Why is it Important to Understand IP Addresses?

Understanding IP addresses as a university student is crucial for various reasons. It will first assist you comprehend how the internet operates and how your device talks with internet servers. Second, it will assist you in diagnosing network and internet difficulties, as IP addresses are frequently utilized to do so. IP addresses can be used to trace your online behavior, thus this will also help you safeguard your privacy and security online.


Knowing IP addresses is a crucial component of understanding the technologies and terminology you will face as a university freshman. IP addresses are allocated to devices that connect to the internet and are used to identify devices on a network. By understanding IP addresses and how they function, you will be better able to browse the internet, troubleshoot network and internet issues, and safeguard your online privacy and security.

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